How to Earn ₹1.5 Lakh per Month Through an AI

Module 1: Introduction to AI and WordPress

  • Understanding the basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications in web development
  • Introduction to WordPress as a powerful platform for building websites
  • Overview of the course objectives and outcomes
Introduction to AI and WordPress

Module 2: Setting Up Your WordPress Website

  • Installing WordPress on your local machine or web server
  • Choosing a suitable WordPress theme for your AI website
  • Customizing the website’s appearance and layout
  • Installing essential plugins for AI integration

Module 3: Content Creation Through AI

  • Benefits of AI in Content Creation
  • Increased efficiency and productivity Automated content generation curation
  • Faster turnaround times
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation

Module 4: Monetization Strategies

  • Understanding different monetization models for AI-powered websites
  • Exploring affiliate marketing and advertising opportunities
  • Creating a subscription-based model for premium AI services
  • Leveraging AI-generated content for revenue generation

Module 5: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for AI Websites

  • Introduction to SEO and its importance for website visibility
  • Optimizing your AI website for search engines
  • Implementing AI-driven SEO tools and plugins
  • Analyzing and improving website performance

Module 6: Generating Traffic and Leads

  • Strategies for driving organic traffic to your AI website
  • Harnessing the power of social media for promotion
  • Creating compelling AI-driven content for lead generation
  • Implementing AI-powered marketing automation tools